Resources that will help with your Business Transformation

At Hippos to Horses we firmly believe that transformation begins with humility. Humility in the acceptance of knowledge as a means to better oneself. Knowledge is the easy bit as this can be acquired. Here are our tools of the trade books, podcasts and websites. [Full disclosure the book recommendations have amazon affiliate links .]

Motivation/ Transformational Books

  1. Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfil Your potential by Dr Carol Dweck.
  2. David and Goliath – By Malcolm Gladwell
  3. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance- By Angela Duckworth
  4. Bounce– By Mattew Syed
  5. Business Boutique: By Christy Wright
  6. Personality isn’t Permanent :By Benjamin Hardy

Empowering Podcasts

  • Entrepreneurs on Fire by John Lee Dumas
    • Inspirational podcasts to fire you up to get out there and do it
  • The Smart Passive Income Podcasts – with Pat Flynn
    • Offers great advice on building online Business.
  • The Solopreneur Hour –with Micheal O’Neal
  • Social Media Marketing _ with Michael Stelzner

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